Hope House Ministries


Hope House Ministries mission is to “provide compassionate, comprehensive, and competent care for the poor, the marginal, and the wounded among us.” Here is what we can do to help.

We are asking each grade to donate specific items.

Toddler Twos: trial size toothpaste, toothbrushes
Nursery: soap, combs
Pre-Kindergarten: shaving cream, disposable razors
Kindergarten: trial size toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, combs
First Grade: shaving cream, disposable razors, men’s socks, deodorant
Second Grade: disposable plates, bowls, cups (hot & cold), plastic cutlery
Third Grade: sponges, fabric softener, paper napkins, paper towels, toilet paper
Fourth Grade: men’s socks, deodorant, cleaning supplies
Fifth Grade: disposable plates, bowls, cups (hot & cold)
Sixth Grade: plastic cutlery, sponges, fabric softener
Seventh Grade: paper napkins, paper towels, toilet paper
Eighth Grade: dishwashing liquid, dish towels

In addition to the above items, donations of soups, peanut butter, jelly, and tuna fish are always appreciated. Hope House Ministries also needs Twin Size blankets and sheets, pillow cases, and bath towels. 

We respectfully ask that all donated items are new and unopened.

All items will be collected in homeroom classes throughout the month of April.

Thank you for your generosity.



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