Basketball Season is Coming!


Registration is open for CYO basketball. A long standing tradition at The Epiphany School, the basketball program is open to all students in 5th – 8th grades. The number and size of the teams is dependent upon the number of registered participants. All students who register by October 5, 2019 will be on a team; late registrants will be put on a waiting list.

HERE is the registration form. Please return the completed form to Mrs. Gallagher in the Upper School office if your child is interested in playing basketball.

A special thank you to Mr. David Downey, (Cyril, 7th grade) and Mr. Scott Felenstein, (Ryan, 5th grade; Thomas, 8th Grade) our volunteer CYO coordinators.

Here’s to another great basketball season at The Epiphany School. Go Blue Jays!

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