Science & S.T.E.M. Fair


!The Upper School Science Fair was a great success. Every student presented their findings to their teachers and peers. Our Science teachers: Ms. Jenise Anderson, Mr. Joseph Kenyon, Ms. Alison Onofrio, and Ms. Maria Zannelli all reviewed and judged the students projects.

Congratulations are due to all the Science Fair participants!

Special congratulations to:

6th Grade Award

Best Project: Claire Parniawski for “Zero Emission Kitchen”

7th & 8th Grade Awards

Fastest Roller Coaster: Aidan Mateo, Luc Pezeu, and Gabriel Smith for “Marble Coaster”

Best Roller Coaster Design
1st Place: Hadley Brooks for “Cosmic Coaster”
2nd Place: Alex Taylor for “Rolling Roller Coaster”

Most Creative Project
1st Place: Sena Chin for “Safe from the Storm”
2nd Place: Veronica Gannon and Anna Marfino for “Tunnel of Glove”

Best Use of S.T.E.M.
1st Place: Liam Lam for “Swing Physics”
2nd Place: Callie Mangan and Lara Savani for “Every Drop Counts”

Best Presentation Display
1st Place: Stephania Kramarchuk and Muirenn O’Hea for “Don’t Spoil the Soil”
2nd Place: Catherine Mack and Sophia Naughton for “Wonder Wheel”

Best Science Explanation 
Aiden Broer and Fiona Greaney for “Water Wonders”


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