Hunger Sunday

The Epiphany Church

HUNGER SUNDAYS, the Epiphany Parish's monthly lunch-making and distribution to the unhoused immediately after the Sunday 11am Sunday Family Mass. On those Sundays our vestibule (narthex) hosts a grand sandwich-making  and […]

Hunger Sunday

The Epiphany Church

HUNGER SUNDAYS, the Epiphany Parish's monthly lunch-making and distribution to the unhoused immediately after the Sunday 11am Sunday Family Mass. On those Sundays our vestibule (narthex) hosts a grand sandwich-making  and […]

Parish Oktoberfest, 7:00pm

Parish Hall 375 Second Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join your fellow parishioners for Epiphany's Oktoberfest!  Donation of $75.00, tickets available at the welcome desk following all weekend masses. Adults only, music, food, & drink provided.