Community Service


There are many community service opportunity in the Epiphany Parish. In addition to Altar Serving (4th Grade & up), Choir (4th Grade & up), and Lector 0ur 7th and 8th Graders can participate in “Servants of Salvation” and the Epiphany Communications Ministry.

At Epiphany, the youth service ministry known as Servants of Salvation  offers (pre)teen parishioners an opportunity to participate in Christian acts of service to needy members of our church and neighborhood communities. Whether it’s organizing coat donation drives, participating in neighborhood clean-up activities, or raising money to support elderly people in need, Epiphany’s SOS group learn what it means to make a tangible difference in the lives of others.

Are you passionate about communication? Do you have a knack—or an interest—or want to learn– about graphic design or video production? Epiphany Communications Ministry is looking for vibrant individuals, young and old, who are eager to use their talents to spread the Word and enhance our parish community. From producing and streaming Masses and events, designing graphics for screens in the church and Narthex and email communications, creating eye-catching posters and brochures, to ensuring our website and social media platforms are informative and engaging, we have a diverse range of opportunities for you to get involved. By joining our ministry, you will have the chance to contribute your talents towards fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment within our parish.

Please click on the links to learn more:
Altar Serving
Servants of Salvation – offers (pre)teen parishioners an opportunity to participate in Christian acts of service to needy members of our church and neighborhood communities.
Epiphany Communications Ministry
Youth Lectors
Youth Choir

A central aspect of Catholic education is learning the importance of service to others. When students take part in service activities—both local and beyond—they demonstrate the values and faith they gain through their Catholic education and learn how to make the world a better place. When they observe how others serve the community, they gain an appreciation for how they can continue to serve others their entire lives.

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